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Writer's pictureVanessa Bernard

Invest in yourself!

Some of us know exactly what we would like to accomplish in life, and there are some of us who do not know what we want to do, and often find our calling later on in life.

I am of the latter. I have had many great experiences in life and thought this is me for the rest of my journey. I could never have been so wrong.

There was so much more I could and can offer, and this realisation came in the form of a job offer (which I accepted). I was pushed outside of my boundaries to learn new skills I would never have dreamed of obtaining and with the great support of a coach and mentor I found myself thriving and a new found confidence I never knew existed. What a great feeling and sense of accomplishment!

So with my new found confidence I wondered what else I was capable of doing, What did I have a passion for? The answer was right in front of me! I knew that people from all walks of life were attracted to me in the form telling me their problems, people I have never spoken to or even seen again, but they always said that they felt better after talking to me. So there it was, the light bulb went off in my head! Why don’t you work towards becoming a counsellor? Support people with the gift of listening, compassion, empathy and understanding.

At the age of 46, some thought I was too old to go back to study, but I used the naysayers as a form of strength to prove to myself I can do it! Without a second thought I had enrolled myself onto the course and thought no more about it. When the day finally arrived I was so nervous, having back and forth negative and positive thoughts. Can I really do this? Yes I can. Will I have the time? Especially with having two jobs. How will I cope? Make the time! Have I taken on too much? You’ve got this. Fear of the unknown had taken over my thoughts. I was a nervous wreck!

Once I had arrived (I was the first one there) I had a chance to talk to the tutor, who was most helpful and I became at ease As the class began to fill up, I realised I was with like minded people, we had similar thoughts, and most of them around the same age as me or older, and had just found their calling too!

I was not alone, neither was I the only one who had multiple jobs, this propelled my positive thoughts through the roof.

I can do this, I’m not too old to invest in myself. I had made the right decision. To date I am thoroughly enjoying the course, learning new skills which I can apply to everyday life, bettering myself for the future, so I can be of service to others, and making a positive impact in the world.

So I guess the moral of what I’m sharing is, it’s never too late to learn new skills - you find your passion when the time is right. You can change your life path at any given moment. Pursue your chosen path, and never give up, and let the naysayers and fear catapult you to life changing opportunities and make your mark in the world!

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